Comments on the SBC

Brothers and sisters, as most of you know by now, an investigation into sexual misconduct in the Southern Baptist Convention has been concluded and a report was released on 5-22-2022. The report contained some disturbing news of sexual misconduct, the cover-up of the same, and testimony of victims of this abuse. It is horrible but frankly expected news from my perspective. Let me say at the onset, that there are thousands of dedicated, faithful, committed Christians in the SBC, and thankfully it was many of them who demanded this corruption and sin be investigated. In no way am I calling out individual faithful brothers and sisters, but rather giving us all something to consider prayerfully and bathed in the word of God.

I have been in attending southern baptist churches most of my life, but as you know, in recent years have been distancing myself from the organizational aspects of what we’ve been calling the church. This news from the SBC while tragic, sinful, and unconscionable, was also sadly inevitable. When you consider an organization established, grown, and governed by man, over time it becomes harder to keep a watchful eye, and eventually, corruption and sin enter in. Most of us have seen it even in a smaller local church context. Pastors run away with other women, have inappropriate relationships with those in their care, leaders abuse underage kids, and so on. 

As the true church, (believers who love Jesus, study the Word, pray, are growing, part of the body of Christ) We must not find ourselves aligned with or identified by organizations like the SBC. We see what can happen and how onlookers might develop an overall bad impression of what the church is. Sure as Christ-followers we will be persecuted and ridiculed for our faith, but when it is sinful corruption we (man) are tarnishing the very name of Christ. The world expects us to practice what we preach and be living proof of what we preach. ( the Lord expects that too by the way).

While the SBC is taking steps to call for repentance, condemn the behavior, and correct it, the damage is only just beginning. The repentance is good for the individuals involved, and for the rest of us to lament, but the onlooking world is only beginning to feed on the hypocrisy and corruption.

I cannot minimize the tragic consequences for the victims and the public damage to the “church” and the need for repentance and purity, but it is incredible to me the energy and resources this large organization is having to deploy in the name of saving the organization! It is NOT about the organization if you are a Christian! It is about your relationship to Jesus, your personal purity, gathering with a manageable-sized group of other believers who hold each other accountable and live life together proclaiming the incredible message of the gospel to those around them.

If there is anything we are called to, as Christians, it is a deep abiding relationship with our savior that overflows into our everyday life bringing hope and love to the lost world around us. Read and study the word. Discover what the true Church is, and live it out. Ultimately we must personally repent and ask forgiveness for our own sins, yes and lament the sins of others, but move on in purity. The Church as laid out in the new testament and is a living, breathing organism to be led by the Holy Spirit. Here are some verses to reflect on with regard to what Church is. May the Lord illuminate it to you as you read. There are many more, but this is a good start. Remember these verses are not speaking about large building churches, these are local home gatherings of believers. God bless you all as you read His word and remain obedient to His call. I welcome your comments. I only ask that you keep them in a positive edifying spirit for all involved.

Mathew 18:20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Titus 1:5-9, Acts 2:42-47, Ephesians 5:18-21, 1 Corinthians 14:26

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