Blog Posts

Church Is Us.

Working with some new technology, these are some songs for uplifting, encouraging, and listening I engineered using AI. I am not advocating any software or the use of AI in all things, but I hope you enjoy the tunes.

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How are we training the body of Christ

It has been a while since I posted here and even longer since I wrote an article as opposed to posting a video blog or “vlog”. I have been pondering a specific dynamic that seems to be holding for several years now during this journey to separate commands of scripture from church traditions. What I

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A Video Letter to Pastors

This is something I have felt the Lord has been leading me to convey to my Pastor and Church leader friends. Know my heart is one of obedience to the word and Holy spirit first. Sent with love.

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Church…Is it Much Simpler Than we Think?

As we think about what is church, is it possible that we have added to what we are commanded in scripture? Have we allowed local bodies to grow so big by adding programs, buildings and organization to the point that we become focused on the system rather than our main purpose for being here? Some

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Message to the Church from Nobody

This video is about a topic that I think we all need to consider, pray about, search scripture on, and test in the spirit. As I say often, it is never my intent to disparage people, especially brothers, and sisters in Christ. It is, however, my heart to challenge us to seek Jesus in the

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Thoughts on TPT Bible

First, let me say, this post is not intended to disparage the faith and works of the author of the TPT version. It is my attempt to bring clarity, and information to allow you to make wise decisions with regard to using this in your bible study. The Passion Translation (TPT) is a relatively new

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True Unity in The Body

What does it really mean to restore unity in the Church? Where have we gone wrong over the centuries? How can we fix it?

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The New Testament Church Model

In Order to further clarify a lot of what I say and teach, I am compelled to clarify more about the New Testament model that we are given for the Church. The New Testament church is the group of believers in Jesus Christ who lived after the time of Christ’s death and resurrection. The church

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Clear Out The Noise

Our culture supplies a steady stream of “noise”, temptations, self-help, business opportunities, and more. As Christians, we should focus on our mission…

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