How are we training the body of Christ

It has been a while since I posted here and even longer since I wrote an article as opposed to posting a video blog or “vlog”.

I have been pondering a specific dynamic that seems to be holding for several years now during this journey to separate commands of scripture from church traditions. What I have observed is, that after pulling back from many traditional activities and responsibilities in the “small c” church, most of my brothers-in-christ are nowhere to be found. Specifically pastors and brothers that I have walked with for 25-30 years.

To be clear, I am not whining that “nobody loves me” or “poor me”, though I have thought this through over and over. Those who know me also know I do like to reach out and send info, articles, and memes that I think they might appreciate or like. Over the past few years, I have kept in contact with a few of my “closest” brothers with little or no response. For the most part, the only contact from some of them is regarding attending, filling in, or some other church duty/meeting, etc. The question keeps coming to mind, “When are they going to call, text, or write just to see how I’m doing?”.

Is it too much to expect the body of Christ to act like the body of Christ? If the relationships are truly real (and I have always counted them to be) then why aren’t we fellowshipping, chatting, having coffee, hiking, or whatever outside of the context of the small c church? I know I’ve tried on many occasions to initiate staying connected, but it feels very much like I am a lower priority or ignored because I am not fully engaged in that context.

One very important thing I have learned through many years in business and ministry is that so much of “how people are” is dependent on the leadership they ascribe to. The health of any organization is a direct reflection of the leadership. In the small c church, there is an incredible emphasis on the pastor, staff, and supporting the ministry. Though biblical truth is taught and important, it seems to be applied to the duties within the small c model. Just last Sunday I watched a sermon by a local pastor who was more or less stating points of recommitment for their church. It was compelling, and biblical, and covered all the right things that we as individuals and the church body should be doing. There was one point that may give further insight into my earlier questions.

The pastor spoke about “soul-saving stations” aka the churches and pointed out that so many of these stations were focused on the station and building it bigger and better and losing their focus on God. Bravo, right? But then as you zoom out, you see the large building from which he is speaking, the well-decorated and equipped stage and sound system, and so on. While I know this pastor personally and know his heart is on track, I have to ask, “Why is your context inconsistent with your message?”. (“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18)

As always, please know that I am never seeking to disparage my brothers and sisters in Christ. My only intent as I explore the word of God is to draw us to a deeper, more concise, less distracted relationship with our God and Savior by the power of His Holy Spirit. For far too long we have been creating sheep who are obedient to the tradition (at the expense of the real, right relationship with God and each other) without even realizing it. (“So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God.” Matt. 15:6b)We have all been well-meaning and seeking to be obedient, though subtly misled. The larger our gatherings the easier it is to miss the deep truth. We must above all work hardest at knowing, relating, and understanding our Lord, and likewise be obedient to the clear instructions in the scripture. Further, we should avoid excessive traditions that cloud our main purpose, and become our focus over the word of God.

I believe that If we weren’t so inwardly focused on the fact that “our church has it right” we would understand that the body of Christ is universal. That true brothers and sisters in Christ are ALWAYS brothers and sisters regardless of context, position, or proximity. Leaving a small c church does not necessarily mean that brother or sister is wayward. I pray that more of us can remove the blinding covers of tradition and learn to take on the love of Christ and show it to others.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 ESV

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